Category Archives: Uncategorized
How to be anonymous when using Bitcoin – 7 Steps
Take responsibility for your privacy.
Privacy is a fundamental human right. Privacy is not a crime. Humans need privacy.
Businesses, governments, and attackers all want your information. They profit from your carelessness. You are responsible for protecting your privacy. …
How Blockchain Technology is going to change the Real Estate Industry
In developed countries, the real estate sector already enjoys many benefits offered by the blockchain. There, the blockchain will merely supplement existing property transactions. In developing countries, however, blockchains will secure property rights, attract additional capital, and create new …

The 7 Benefits of the Bitcoin Lightning Network
The Lightning Network is an off-chain network, offering numerous benefits
to Bitcoin. The Lightning Network will debut in 2018. Yet, it has
been in development since 2016. First, we will explain what the Lightning Network is. Then, we will explain …

How to save over 50% on Bitcoin transaction fees.
Constantly, I see transaction which overpay 2-4x more than necessary in fees. This is a big problem. Everyday, many bitcoins are lost due to overpaid transaction fees. By the end of this article, you will save a lot on Bitcoin …